Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy which promotes living simply and in harmony with nature, and going with the flow. Ancient Taoists believed that by following the natural world, pursuing a strict diet and meditation regime and not struggling with their lot, they could achieve an inner calm, improved health and great martial power. But despite its age, Taoism has a lot to offer the average Westerner and more and more people are turning towards the Taoist arts to help them with questions and problems in their lives.
The Taoist masters, often referred to in the ancient texts as ‘sages’ or even ‘immortals’ typically studied such topics as meditation, martial arts, herbalism, diet and medicine and often the arts. Though they might seem unconnected, study of all of these topics leads to self improvement on a physical, mental or spiritual level and this is one of the reasons they appealed to the Taoists of old. As ‘Taoist Arts’ information on each topic can be found in these pages.