Susan Cain在《安静:内向性格的竞争力》中有这样一段描述:在这个世界上,每三个人就有一个内向者,还有一个是双相性格。 很多人对此不太理解,心理学上认为,内向和外向是性格的两个维度,本质上没有好坏优劣之分,双相则是位于内向和外向之间的一种性格。 性格连续体 如果将一个人的性格看做一个连续体,内向性格和外向性格则是这个连续体的两端,在人际交往过程中,连续体的两端都会出现,只是在不同的环境下偏向…
Daoist Books (daojia lei 道家類) is a subcategory in traditional Chinese bibliographies and part of the category of Masters and Philosophers (zibu 子部). It includes almost exclusively writings of philosop…
This handbook is a comprehensive reference designed to help professionals address organizational issues from the application of the basic principles of management to the development of strategies need…