The Certified Quality Inspector Handbook,Third Edition

The quality inspector is the person perhaps most closely involved with day-to-day activities intended to ensure that products and services meet customer expectations. The quality inspector is required to understand and apply a variety of tools and techniques as codified in the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Inspector (CQI) Body of Knowledge (BoK). The tools and techniques identified in the ASQ CQI BoK include technical math, metrology, inspection and test techniques, and quality assurance. Quality inspectors frequently work with the quality function of organizations in the various measurement and inspection laboratories, as well as on the shop floor supporting and interacting with quality engineers and production/service delivery personnel. This handbook supports individuals preparing to perform, or those already performing, this type of work. It is intended to serve as a ready reference for quality inspectors and quality inspectors in training, as well as a comprehensive reference for those individuals preparing to take the ASQ CQI examination.


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